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Soap & Bath Bombs Guide

Bath Bomb Sets from Puckator UKIn the last 10 to 15 years the number of handmade craft products has become more popular and more accessible.  Customers want to know where products come from and are more inclined to pay more for something handmade.  Within the highly competitive gift market, finding products that are not mass-produced in China or the Far East may be difficult but that's where we come in with our soaps and bath bombs.  We buy from British manufacturers who produce quality items right here in the UK. With the quality being high you would think the prices would be as well, but this is not the case and is another reason to purchase from Puckator.  By buying directly from the UK we can keep prices low and restock them quickly, so even if we are out of stock they will be back in our warehouse in no time.

What are they made from?

Each product has its own list of ingredients on the individual product page and the items themselves. Both soaps and bath bombs have a basic ingredients profile plus a general list of preservatives. Then each line has additional fragrances, colours and ingredients such as seeds or glitter, that give the product that extra-special touch.

Do I need to worry about allergies?

Yes, with all products that are used on our skin you need to be aware of allergies.  On each product page, you will find the detailed ingredients including any allergens.  This information is also on the product label.  We recommend that you read the ingredients carefully and provide it with the product so that if your customer has any questions they have the information before they purchase the product.

How are the products packed?

The bath bombs either come in trays of 16 or sets.  The soaps come in a block or precut.  While the majority of bath bombs come as a single scent per tray, we also stock some mixed trays and sets so that you can offer a starter mix to your customers.  Our mixed trays are also a great alternative idea as a wedding favour.

The soaps blocks are designed so that they can be cut into pieces, either in advance or while your customer waits. We sell soap cutters that are easy to use and cut the blocks into equal-sized pieces.  Both products have main labels with the ingredients and best before dates listed.

Where can they be sold?

A few years ago you would have only found these in chemists and bath and fragrance stores but now the market and demand have changed so they will go well in many different locations.  A few suggestions are listed below but really any shop selling gifts could sell this range.

  • General Gift Shops
  • Florists
  • Interior and Home Stores
  • Card Shops
  • Seasonal Markets and Attractions

How do I display and promote the products to my customers?

Soaps and bath bombs work well together or with other items. A great example is a florist as the colours and fragrances will complement the flowers and plants on offer.  They can be added to baskets of flowers and hampers alongside other gifts such as candles and homewares, it's all about being creative and thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing.

When it comes to displaying the products it depends on the space you have available in your store.  You can either make a big show of them or only have a selection on display.  Bath bombs and soap pieces look good in small baskets, large glass jars or bowls.  It's not just the fragrance that will attract your customers, the colours and way they are displayed will complement the products themselves and increase sales.  Think about the colours and fragrances you put side by side, make sure they are not clashing or overpowering each other.

How long will they keep?

These products usually have a 2 - 3 year best before date.  

How should they be kept?

Both bath bombs and soaps should be stored in a cool dry environment and kept away from direct sunlight. If the bath bombs are in a humid area they will absorb the moisture and begin to dissolve.

Do I need any certification to sell these products?

No, but we recommend you make sure the ingredients lists are clearly visible and make customers aware that they may contain allergens.  You can download and print the for each product from the individual product page and have it on hand if customers request it.

What are the best selling products?

With over 40 soaps and 30 bath lines available it may be a bit daunting when picking which ones to go for, especially if it is the first time you are ordering them. Traditional scents such as rose and lavender will always be popular but funky fruity fragrances such as coconut, chocolate and mango also sell well all year.